
Théophile Gautier, from the Comedy of death

I have returned from the land of ghosts,
But still, I maintain the pale shade of the dead
Far away from silent kingdoms
My clothes resemble a funeral dress
On an urn, thrown from my back to the ground
Hanging along my body.
I come from the hands of a death
More miserly than the one who wept at the tomb of Lazarus;
She looks after her keep:
She releases the body, but retains the soul;
She renders the torch, but fans the flame;
And Christ would have no say.
But Alas! I am no more than a shadow of my former self,
A living tomb where lies all that I love,
Survived only by myself;
With me, I carry iced mortal remains
Of my illusions, charming and passed away
Of which I am the shroud.
I am still too young; I want to love and to live,
O death, I can’t bring myself to follow you
On your somber path;
I haven’t had the time to build the column
Where glory will come to suspend my crown;
O death, come back tomorrow!